The only way to be cool? Be yourself!

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March 21, 2013 by Welcome to the Jungle

What is “Cool?”

Keara G.

Cool is an unpredictable, ever changing phenomenon in today’s society. Everyone has their personal opinion on what is cool, this idea being greatly influenced by the media and the group of people we associate ourselves with, as well as our past experiences. The term “cool” is completely subjective and is never a set thing. In other words, you decide what cool is. Cool is not a set and definable thing, and that’s what makes it so. If cool was accessible and achievable to everyone, it would no longer be cool. Cool is an opinion, but it is an opinion that can be altered by the world around us. The things the media and those around us express to be cool and desirable can begin to look that way to us. Cool is this mysterious, indefinable, exclusive thing that we are forever trying to achieve. It is something that everyone knows and yet no-one can define.

The media portrays cool as something that can be achieved through brand names and fitting a certain stereotype. The media is a business with commercial interests and values, therefore telling pre-teens and young adults that you must purchase certain products in order to be accepted can greatly influence that person’s opinion on themselves and their peers. At this young age people are at an extremely vulnerable and influential stage of life, the media takes advantage of this fact and exploits it to their liking. The media gives teens un-realistic expectations on how they are to look, act and dress. In movies and television shows teens are usually portrayed by actors in their 20’s. These actors have the opportunity to get their makeup professionally done and wear high end clothing. Even though for the most part the viewers are aware that it’s not realistic to look this way on a day to day basis, unconsciously this message will become rooted in their minds. The expectation from society to live up to these standards can affect self-esteem and the moral of those watching. Some might strive there whole life to achieve an un-realistic appearance, just because the world around them labelled it as cool.

Those we surround ourselves with also have a huge impact on the characteristics we label “cool”. The different trends, cliques, hobbies and interests we bring into our lives coolcan dramatically affect our opinion on what cool means to us. Everyone values different qualities in others, and this is why who we choose to surround ourselves with is a personal decision. These people can greatly affect what we consider positive and negative traits, and how we should look and act to be accepted into the group. In order for the media to be successful, they must first off choose who their target market is. By finding the age, geographic, interests and common factors their target market has, they can create a more successful campaign in order to gain their interest in a product or service.

In my experience in order to truly achieve the status of “cool” you must be one of a kind and original. If you simply act, dress and look a certain way to try to be labelled as cool you will often miss your mark. But, if you present yourself in a way that feels natural and comfortable to you others will notice this, and therefore it won’t seem like you’re trying too hard. Genuine coolness can only be achieved by being true to you and not trying to be perceived a certain way. When someone tries too hard to be considered cool or popular, it’s extremely obvious and very rarely do people think of them in the way they desire.

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